Sunday, March 13, 2011

Just a thought....

It is our intention to offer the information on our blog that we, ourselves, find to be helpful and interesting.

We strive to always credit the article, author, and source while posting the information on our blog.

Remember to always contact your medical professional before starting or discontinuing any medications or treatments.

We want you to be the best, healthiest YOU ;]


You have a what??????


What is it?  A condition that occurs when the shoulder capsule [tissue around the joint] thickens, causing pain and limiting motion.  It can worsen over wekks or months.  Frozen shoulder is twice as common in women as in men and typically crops up between the ages 40 to 65.

What causes it?  Usually nothing in particular- it often happens out of the blue, says Stephania Bell and ortho clinical specialist.  But it can be linked to diabetes, thyroid disease or a previous shoulder injury.

What helps?  Physical therapy, stretching excercises that help strengthen your shoulder.  Most people see significant improvement within a year.  
LHJ 4/11

Side note:  Or you could try massage therapy, we have alot of experience with frozen shoulder, and have had great success. :]

Chronic Pain....Alternative Treatments

More often than not, patients must cobble together a variety of treatments.  A recent study showed that 44% of chronic pain patients on narcotics have serched out alternative treatments.  Perhaps because they have found that conventional treatments failed or because of side effects.

The most popular alternative treatments are as follows:  Acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation, yoga tai chi and acetyl-l-carnitine.

60% of chronic pain patients try acupuncture, and most found some relief after 10 sessions.

MASSAGE:  Since tense muscles often contribute to pain, its no wonder that massage, which works to relax muscles, is effective at easing pain.  A 2001 study showed that patients who had 10 massages, 1 per week, reported BETTER pain relief than those who tried acupuncture.

Yoga classes twice a week for 24 weeks was shown to help with pain relief.

Tai Chi :  patients who participated n class for 60 min for 12 weeks found some relief.

Acetyl-L-Carnitine: this dietary supplement appears to be promising in treating diabetes-related nerve pain.  The Annals of Pharmacotherapy found that patients who took at least 2 grams daily fared best.

Womans Day 4/11

TRUE OR FALSE Heart health.....

1. You can reduce your risk of heart disease by being physcially active.  T or F

2. Physical activity can counteract the harmful effects of other risk factors such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. T or F

3. Vigorous physical activity is better than moderate activity.   T or F

4. Women get the same benefits from being physically active as men.   T or F


1. True  Physcial inactivity is a major, modifiable risk factor for heart disease.

2. True  Studies show that being physically active can lower the risk of heart disease even in people who have other health problems.

3. True.  Additional health benefits occur as the amt. of physical activity increases through higher intensity, greater frequency and /or longer duration.

4. False.  Studies indicate that women may benefit even MORE tghan men from being physcially fit.

Source: American Heart Association

Heart health ....

Alternative Therapies to encourage a healthier heart...since more than 35% of all heart attacks and strokes occur in people WITHOUT high cholesterol, Dr. Coehrs says that statins are not necessarily the only answer for individuals concerned about preventing heart attacks or strokes.  He explains that a diet that includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, olive oil, garlic, and grilled or smoked fish such as salmon or tuna-high in Omega 3 oils-is heart healthy as well as delicious!!  If you choose to drink alcohol, red wine has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.  Additionally, to stay heart healthy, be sure to keep lean, red meat to a minimum in your diet. 
[Martha Stewart LIVING 3/11]

My hair is coming out by the handful.....what to do, who to ask.

Geoffrey P. Redmond M.D. in New York, states that a dip in estrogen can cause hair loss in some women.  The most common times are women in their 20's and 30's when women shed hair after recent pregnancy.  And in the mid 40's or later, as estrogen levels drop.  Polycystic ovarian syndrome can cause thinning also.  Blood tests are needed to confirm POS, so contact your M.D. for a custom plan.
[Redbook 1/11]

The newest "IT" supplements

Tumeric...who knew??? The stuff that makes ball park mustard yellow is an anti-inflammatory and many practitioners now prescribe it for arthritis patients.  David Leopold M.D. , a pain expert at Scripps in San Diego recommends 1,000 mg once or twice a day. an herb grown in cold climates and looks promising for treating depression and fatigue.  Tierona Low Dog M.D. states it's been used for years in Scandinavia.  Recommended dose: 150 mg once or twice a day.

Algal an Omega 3 fatty acid which comes from algae as opposed to fish, so it's less likely to contain ocean pollutants or toxins.  It was recently shown to improve memory in healthy people over 55.  About 50% of our brains as made of fat, say Michael f. Roizen M.D. at Cleveland Clinic, DHA is an integral component of cell membranes and the major omega-3 fatty acid found in the brain, so it's essential for optimal brain function."  Try 600 to 900 mg daily.
Ladies Home Journal 12/10/ -1/11

Hippocrates called massage "the art of rubbing"

and modern research strongly supports how therapeutic massage is.   Anyone else noticing a theme here?? LOL  
An article in LHJ 12/10 1/11 states that any type of massage may cause heart rate, blood pressure and stress horemones to decline, responses which have documented psoitive effects on our stress torn bodies.  Moderate pressure, which is what we happen to specialize in :], most effectively stimulates the body's pressure receptors.  Those, in turn, send signals to the body to relax states developmental psychologist Tiffany Field Ph.D.  and 20 minutes is all it takes to produce such healthy benefits.

What we know for sure, and science proves it:
Stress is linked to illnesses as diverse as depression and diabetes, reducing it is one of the healthiest things you can do states Brent Bauer, M.D.  He and his colleagues at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, Minnesota recently reported that massage helped relieve anxiety, tensiion and pain in patients recovering from heart surgery.  Previous studies in related areas also showed that stressed out nurses, chronic headache suffereers, cancer patients, and athletes all benefitted from massage.

Even babies benefit:
Dr. Field also recently published a rewivew that found that underweight babies who recieve 10 to 15 minute sessions of massage several times a day gain 47% more weight on average than those who didn't.  Brazilian
researchers reported that underweight infants who had been massaged showed significantly higher mental develop scores at age 2 than other low-weight babies.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Did you know.......

We are sharing information that we feel our clients will find useful, we are always on the look out for tips that vary from pain management to general health tips.  Thanks for sharing our blog :]

Did you know ..... Nov. 2010 womans Day article stated that a recent study found that women who biked two to three hrs per week (15 to 20 minutes per day) were 46% less likely to gain weight in the long run compared to women who didn't excercise.   Sounds like we need to get pedaling :]

Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center had 29 men and women recieve 45 minutes of Swedish massage, deep pressure kneading of the muscles, while another 24 subjects underwent only a light touch
massage.  All participants found the massage pleasant, but those who had the real thing also showed a boost to the immune cells that may help fight colds and flu :]

Bay leaf and migraine relief.....Bay leaf contains compounds called parthenolides, which are known to relieve headaches and migraines. Scientists beleive that this compound slows down the clumping of platelets, a main cause of headaches.  It also contains eugenol, a natural anti-inflammatory that can ease not only tension headaches but pain throughout the entire body :]

Eating dark chocolate has been shown to lower blood pressure in as little as two hrs  :]

More headache relief.....Paints, ammonia, and dry cleaning chemicals, plastics and cosmetics can all be headache causing culprits in many homes, but clearing them from the air is as easy as setting out an orchid. :]

Curry powder to send pain packing?????  Curry powders main substance, tumeric, works in a similiar way to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, "because it dampens the effect of COX-2, a chemical in the body that causes pain.  There are also at least 30 studies showing that tumeric's active ingredient has an ani-tumor effect and may even stop the growth of existing cancer cells.

For fast relief, massage the fleshy area between the fleshy area between your thumb and index finger for 20 to 30 seconds.  Accupressure can reduce stress by up to 39%, according to researchers :]

Women ages 40 to 64 are just as vunerable to developing mental health issues as teens and young adults.
A Woman's Day article Nov. 2010 by Cheryl Platzman Weinstock, states that the odds of being diagnosed with depression peaks at age 44, and more than 15% of women ages 45 to 54 experience frequent depression. Many cases go unreported according to the USA health and Human Services, so experts beleive in reality the  number is much higher.  The suicide rate is also highest at that same age bracket.

Experts believe that all the changes that we face at mid-life, kids going to college, caring for aging parents and our own health issues attribute to these high numbers.  This is also the age when divorce rates spike.
Not everyone who experiences these stressors will develop depression, a disorder that scientists believe has to do with problems in the brain circuitry and possibly an imbalance of mood chemicals.  Family history or genetics contribute substantially. 

Although the average age of menopause is 51, perimenopause- the period of several years leading it up to it, when estrogen and progesterone levels start to descrease-is actually considered riskier for mental health problems.  Recent research, including some conducted by Peter Schmidt, MD, a psychiatrist and head of behavorial endocrinology program at the Natl Institute of Mental Health, suggests that hormonal fluctuations may increase vulnerability to depression.
"When estorgen levels fluctuate, brain chemicals that regulate mood-serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine-also get disrupted, which can in turn lead to depression."  Stephan Stahl MD, PHD University of San Diego

So if the above article is of interest to you personally or for someone you love heres a list from the same article as to Who's At Risk:
-Have a family history of depression or other mental problems
-Are facing a major life stressor, losing a job, relocating, loss of a loved one, divorce, etc....
-Are going through hormonal changes (adolesence, after pregnancy, and perimenopause)

The above article included a survey of women and what they did to maintain their self-confidence.  Which made me think....... why don't you share with us how you stay positive and confident even during the toughest times in our hectic lives.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, we may not know why tomorrow or for years after, but it all will make sense someday.  Life is an adventure :]  Lisa

Monday, February 21, 2011

were online!!

The Therapeutic Touch 1 & 2 is now goin to start blogging!!!  More information will start to come once I show the ladies what is up!!!  Stay Tuned!!!